Low quality videos

Low quality videos

Viewers do not like videos with poor audio and visual quality.

The topic your video are focoused on is declining in popularity.

The topic your video are focoused on is declining in popularity.

The audience you are targeting is watching other YouTube videos and channels.

The audience you are targeting is watching other YouTube videos and channels.

Your target audience is spending less time on YouTube.

Your target audience is spending less time on YouTube.

If you upload videos on a daily basis, try uploading them less frequently.

If you upload videos on a daily basis, try uploading them less frequently.

Didn't use the right tag

Didn't use the right tag

When using YouTube SEO Optimisation strategies, never leave the tag section. Look for tags related to your niche.

You are not sharing your videos on social media platforms

You are not sharing your videos on social media platforms

You had a few videos that performed well, or a video that went viral, but those people did not return to watch more.

You had a few videos that performed well, or a video that went viral, but those people did not return to watch more.

Your titles and thumbnails are not attractive for people.

Your titles and thumbnails are not attractive for people.