Most people are searching for task mate referral codes. Without a referral code, you can’t work in Task Mate. So I will tell you about the facts of the task mate referral code in this post.
Task mate is a genuine money-earning mobile application, where you can get simple tasks. You can download the task mate beta version from the play store. So they selected only a few people right now. It is now available only in 3 countries, India, Kenya, and Mexico.

Now I am going to tell you more about the task mate
How to join task mate
You can download task mate from the play store. After downloading is completed you can join with your Google account, at that time it shows you are on the waiting list. You can also get some sample tests. You need a referral code to open a task mate account. Sometimes after 5-7 months, it opens. At that time, you can add 3 languages to the task mate. So the tasks you got are in those languages.
Task mate tasks
There are 2 types of tasks present in task mates.
- Field tasks
- Sitting Tasks
Field Tasks
Field tasks are highly paid tasks, where you can get tasks like visiting any shops nearby, taking photos of shops, visiting any place, etc. Every time, field tasks paid more than sitting tasks. So try to do field tasks more.
Sitting Tasks
Sitting Tasks are very simple tasks, where you can’t go outside for this type of task. Tasks such as translating sentences to your local language, answering survey questions, etc. Different tasks have different rates like 5 Rupees, 10 Rupees, etc.
Task mate levels

There are four levels present in task mates.
- Bronze Level
- Silver Level
- Gold Level
- Platinum Level
Bronze Level
This is the basic level, where you can get limited tasks. To upgrade to the next level, attempt all tasks and complete them. Every task you attend will go to review and only be credited rupees after the review is completed.
Silver Level
After completing 20 tasks and your accuracy is above 3 stars, then you were upgraded to the silver level. In the silver level, you can get early access to tasks at the bronze level, and allows more task submissions permitted than bronze.
Gold Level
When you completed 500 tasks with 4-star accuracy, you were upgraded to the gold level. Here you can get earlier access to tasks than the silver level and more task submissions permitted than the previous level.
Platinum Level
It is the topmost level of Google task mate, where you can get the earliest access to all tasks. If you complete 1000 tasks with 5-star accuracy, you can reach the top level of the task mate.
It is very important to keep your accuracy high, otherwise, you drop to low levels.
How to increase accuracy on task mate
In task mate, your accuracy is based on the percentage of tasks marked as correct. Accuracy is a very important thing, more accuracy will help you to upgrade to higher levels. So if you don’t know the answer to the task, you can skip it. This is the best way to keep high accuracy.
Task mate referral code
There is no referral code or invitation code available in task mate right now. It is mentioned in the task mate app. Task mate is now in its early access stage. So they don’t provide referral codes to others. If you wait for a couple of months, they will open your account for paid tasks. There are lots of people are searching for referral codes, you can send messages to the task mate app about your account opening. Sometimes they will open your account. You can use more than one account.
Task mate payment method
When you reach 100 Rupees for the first time, you can cash out with your UPI ID. If you try to withdraw money, they will ask about your UPI ID. After that, you can withdraw only when you reach 500 Rupees.
Google Task Mate payment proof

Is it task mate app no longer available from December 24, 2022?
Yes, the task mate app is changing and tasks will be available until 24th December 2022, It is bad news for all task mate members. It doesn’t mean the end of the task mate app. It is only the end of its current tasks.
What happened to your remaining amount in the task mate app?
On 30th December 2022, members’ earnings are automatically transferred to their linked UPI account.

I am Thejas Mohan – the TJS VLOGGER
My passion for vlogging has helped me to explore the opportunities available in the internet world.
I am successfully running my YouTube channel and I share videos about generating online income and how to do a side hustle that can support your life
I am passionate about vlogging and filmmaking